
Read and Gain

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March - April 2023


Website redesigning of Studiare app, a web app that gives chance for readers and learners to earn redeemable points while they read premiuim books for free.


User research, personas, sketches, wireframing, prototyping.


In an attempt of the management of Studiare to expand its only library services,and improve the current user experience, I was confronted with the current system and design brief. According to a preliminary investigation I carried out, the current studiare app appears to be rated relatively low by 60% of its's users, having a clumsy interface, undefined controls, and poor navigations. There for in addition to adding the Podcast, and E-Publisher sections, I designed a suitable solution to the problem.


Lookig at the project scope, coming up with the most suitable UX/UI solution for the case scenario was very challenging. Generating a user centric design is one of the best ways to achieving the goal. This include well defined user journey, simplified navigations, elegant design element and streamlined payment process. Introducing into the design the new functionalities of the Podcast and E-Publisher sections is also considered as part of the solution.

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Understanding the User

In order to gain a comprehensive understanding of the users of Studiare, I conducted extensive user research, incorporating surveys and interviews to comprehend their preferences and pain points. Utilizing analytics, I tracked online behaviors, and performed usability testing to observe interactions with the existing platforms. This thorough approach guarantees a nuanced understanding of user needs, serving as a foundation for making informed and effective design decisions.

Research Insights

I commenced the research phase by analyzing data collected from user interviews. This allowed me to grasp the difficulties individuals face when searching for their ideal food ordering app and to pinpoint common issues frequently encountered in this process.

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Key Findings

Here are some observations derived from the data collected during my research:

  • Users would like to know more about the background origin of the restaurant they are odering from.
  • Users frequently cited insuffiecient info about food recipe as the biggest pain points during the their ordering process.
  • Users want an easier way to browse menus and filter through basic details such as price, category and availability.


Having derived insights from user research, the next step involved crafting personas to visualize the target audience.

This persona conceptualize an elderly woman, who have retired and now spending most of her time in redeaing journals and books.

As a subject matter for this project, her instance is used in this entire project to depict the most suitable solutions, with her age group being the most users of the app.

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Starting the design phase, I began with initial sketches outlining the intended page layout. The objective was to empower users to search for listings based on location, navigate and filter through various parameters, and bookmark listings of interest. These features are illustrated in the accompanying sketches.

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With the sketches in place, the next step involved crafting low-fidelity wireframes for the website. Subsequently, these wireframes were transformed into low-fidelity prototypes, providing a swift understanding of the cohesive flow between each screen.

Low Fidelity Prototype

Having established the wireframes, the subsequent stage was the creation of low-fidelity mockups for the website. These wireframes were then converted into low-fidelity prototypes, offering a quick comprehension of the seamless flow between each screen.

User Testing

Prior to advancing to high-fidelity mockups, I conducted an unmoderated usability study, assessing the low-fidelity prototype with three participants. The subsequent improvements were incorporated, informed by valuable user feedback.

  • Addition of a more visible and accessible search field and button.
  • Introduction of a section that shows more books from the same author of any book clicked.
  • Ability to sign uo as a reader or as an author.
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Final Design

Haven updated the design with the user feedback, and refined the prototype, the definitive design is now concluded. Acknowledging the inherently challenging nature of the online library process, the website strives for a simple, streamlined interface to provide users with a hassle-free experience.

Evaluate the ultimate high-fidelity prototype beneath. Press F on your keyboard or click the maximize icon in the top right corner for full-screen mode. Additionally, use the shortcut R to reset the user flow.